Our learning solutions generally address two categories of audience:
– foreign assignees who have relocated to a new host country
– existing or newly-created multicultural teams (including team members and team leaders).
Intercultural competence is crucial for success in both.
– foreign assignees who have relocated to a new host country
– existing or newly-created multicultural teams (including team members and team leaders).
Intercultural competence is crucial for success in both.
Our workshops help you to become more productive in complex multicultural environments, build meaningful cross-cultural relationships and achieve successful cultural integration.
Examples of the topics covered are:
- Cultural awareness and empathy: benchmarking yourself and decoding others
- People management in a multicultural context: motivating, building trust, giving feedback, dealing with conflicts
- Managing performance in a multicultural team: aligning objectives and scheduling, getting things done
- Cross-cultural communication
- Cross-cultural negotiation, etc.